November 2016 Events

This list is nowhere near complete, but we’re already into the month of November and I wanted to include some things that I’ve heard about. Please let me know of others by emailing jennie (at)

November 4
Somerville, MA
Music @ Washington Street Arts
Andrew Young / Erika Bell / Luke Martin

November 5
Brooklyn, NY
Music for Contemplation: Kamphuis, Stepancic, Sfirri

November 5-December 12
Turin, Italy
Michael Graeve: Forms Unseen

November 13
New York City
Evan Johnson Composer Portrait at Spectrum

November 17-20
Bludenz, Austria
Bludenzer Tage zeitgemaßer Musik

November 18-27
Huddersfield, UK
Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival

November 24-27
Berlin: Splitter Music Festival

The four evenings with over 80 artists revolve around music-making in large formats, based on the power of improvisation. The festival is organised and programmed by Gregor Hotz, manager of the Splitter Orchester. The festival is partly a showcase for the Splitter Orchester and it’s composer-performers, but also features other formations from the Berlin Echtzeitmusik scene and beyond.

November 26-27
London: Filthy Lucre: Sounding Body

In the eighteenth century, the body was thought to be comprised of resonant strings. Music vibrated them, shaking emotions and temperaments in time to its reverberations. Filthy Lucre explores the strange noises and mathematical constructions built on these Sounding Bodies.

On Saturday 26th, we will move from installation to concert to gig, with a live music night being preceded by Jacob Kirkegaard’s sound art. On Sunday 27th, we will present Kirkegaard’s work alongside free workshops.

They have also released a compelling preview video of George Barton performing Vinko Globokar’s ?Corporel.

November 30-December 4
Oaxaca: UMBRAL Festival

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