resource guide 28: Antoine Beuger

reference: wandelweiser recordings talks and interviews: 2004 October 2011 MBMF Word Events articles/books: Antoine Beuger Werkanalysen und Hintergründe (library) Antoine Beuger, unwritten page – Unschärfe des Scharfen, Schärfe des Unscharfen Grundsätzliche Entscheidungen Immer wieder anders – überraschend neu (library) … Continue reading

resource guide 27: Wandelweiser

This resource guide is more generalized than most others. It’s an overview of sources and a buying guide. I’ll link to more specific guides as they become available. Portals: Overviews: Michael Pisaro: Wandelweiser Alex Ross: The Composers of … Continue reading

resource guide 26: Maryanne Amacher

reference: Amacher Archive Project Amacher Archive Twitter DAAD Wikipedia articles: Maryanne Amacher Maryanne Amacher (1943-2009) Psychoacoustic phenomena in musical composition: some features of a “perceptual geography” talks and interviews: 1989 1991 April 1999 April 2004 SenseSonic Session 5 films: The … Continue reading