resource guide 2: Jürg Frey

sources: wandelweiser page catalogue of scores books texts: English/German Life is present/Es gibt das Leben Architecture of Silence/Architektur der Stille Wo ist das Stück? Material And on it went/Und weiter ging’s Raum Weite der Landschaft – Tiefe der Zeit interviews/discussions/profiles: … Continue reading

resource guide 1: Georg Friedrich Haas

reference: Universal Edition page bio introductory article catalogue publications texts upcoming performances IRCAM bio, works list, discography music austria page articles and interviews: Die Abbildung akustischer Phänomene als Material der kompositorischen Gestaltung. Der eigenen Fantasie mehr Raum geben. ton, 4/96-1/97, … Continue reading

resource guides

I’ve thought about doing this series for a long time. As I’m researching particular subjects, I like to know what is available and where, and put all that information in order. The material often comes from a lot of different … Continue reading